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1. Prospectus of D3 Business Travel
(Business Tourism and Hospitality)

Graduate Degree/Mention : A.Md.Par. (Ahli Madya Pariwisata / Ahli Madya Usaha Perjalanan Wisata)

Through the study program of Business Travel, students will be educated to become entrepreneurs in the field of tourism & hospitality (tourism and hospitality businesses). Bali as one of the main tourist destinations bring abundant business opportunity. Graduates will be printed into a tourism professional power, vision and character. Academically, after completing education for 6 semesters, graduates will receive a degree A.Md.Par.

Business Travel provide appropriate education in various fields, among others: Guiding, Travel Agency, Tour Planner, Water line, Cargo, Event Organizer, etc.

The development of global tourism is increasing, including the national tourism industry, khususnhya Bali as a world tourism destination. This gives a great opportunity for graduates to achieve Business Travel career opportunities in various fields, such as: travel agency (BPW), the airline (the airline), cargo companies, tourism managers, PCO (professional conference organizer) in-house or dependent, tour operators, tour guides, airport, travel consultant, corporate MICE (meetings, incentive, conference and exhibition) or EO (event organizer), hotels, cruises, principal transportation, tourism development board, teachers / lecturers / researchers, or become independent entrepreneurs.

Education is very applicable to the three basic knowledge, skills, and attitude, is able to provide students with high skills and basic knowledge of both operational and managerial.

Applicative campus practices and comprehensive job training program in Bali's tourism industry.

Competency-based curriculum developed character, knowledge and skills to make graduates ready to work in the tourism industry or independent entrepreneurs.
Excellence & Advantage of D3 program In General
Diploma Program Three (D3) and Bachelor (S1) have their respective advantages, both are needed in the working world. Generally graduate Diploma Program Three (D3) has the designation / title "Associate Expert" abbreviated A.Md., while the graduate program or bachelor degree (S1) has a "Bachelor".

Excellence & Advantage of D3 program :
  • Study period of 6 semesters (3 years), so the faster pass than S1, and of course the total cost of their studies lighter than S1, so for people who want a quick plunge in the world of work, it is advisable to take a D3 program.
  • Lecture material more applicable (practice) so it tends to be "ready to use" than S1, but it still depends on each individual.
  • Need for labor to more D3 than S1, because D3 will fill the middle level in the pyramid organizational structure and management of the company.
  • Etc.
Competencies of Graduates of D3 Business Travel
D3 Business Travel of P2K National Polytechnic Denpasar Bali graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, skills and abilities as follows.
  • Having the ability to take advantage of the existence of the tourism industry as business opportunities tourism services.
  • Has the ability as a Tour Guide & Tour Leader who directed and conducted a tour guide on the way as well as domestic and international travel.
  • Having the ability to operate the office and secretarial business travel, businesses communicate well orally and in writing in English and Indonesian, information technology applying, designing, conducting MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferencing, Exhibitions).
  • Issued ticket has the ability to create / issue tickets cost either manually or online to the entire flight.
  • Have the ability to carry out ground handling services for passenger handling and aircraft on the ground and will fly well when mapun after landing.
  • Tour Planner has the ability as a plan and make travel package along with the package and at the same price offered to consumers.
  • Has the ability as a hotelier who is able to work in the field of hospitality, cruise ships, national and international standard restaurant.
  • Have the ability to promote as well as market a range of issues related to both domestic and international tourism.
  • Having the ability to service both domestic and international ticketing in travel agency, travel agencies and airlines.
  • Having the ability to tour planner and tour operations in travel agency.
  • Having international travel document processing capabilities.
  • Have the ability to handle the delivery of goods and documents (cargo) domestic and international.

Basic competence Associate Expert Business Travel of P2K National Polytechnic Denpasar Bali is having quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and be constantly learning; handling each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of business travel; can solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of business travel, able to follow new developments in the field of business travel, carry out research, or study program at a rate of more further.
Profession and Career Graduates of D3 Business Travel
Associate Expert Business Travel of P2K National Polytechnic Denpasar Bali to work and a career in various fields in the government or private (national and multinational), among others: the travel agency, the airline (the airline), cargo companies, tourism managers, PCO (professional conference organizer) in-house or dependent, tour operators, tour guides, airport, travel consultant, corporate MICE (meetings, incentive, conference and exhibition) or EO (event organizer), hotels, cruises, principal transportation, tourism development board; as tour guide, tour leader, issued ticket, ground handling, tour planner, hotelier, tour planner, tour operations, teachers / lecturers / researchers, etc.

Being entrepreneurs to establish independent Travel Agency, Manager of Tourism, Travel Consultant, Corporate MICE (meetings, incentive, conference and exhibition) or EO (event organizer), etc.

2. Prospectus of D3 Accounting

Graduate Degree/Mention : AMd. or AMd.Ak. (Accounting Associate Expert (Ahli Madya or Ahli Madya Akuntansi)

Computerized Accounting and Business Management jointly informatics, information systems, informatics engineering and computer engineering, is the fastest growing field resulting in a shift in the world of business, industry, and expansion lead to employment opportunities in a wide range of sectors and areas of Computerized Accounting SIA particularly business development (systems of Accounting Information), SIM (Management Information systems), systems analysis and design, as well as methods and tools (programming languages and databases).

Program Accounting P2K National Polytechnic Denpasar Bali studies implement, assess, and develop the underlying science of accounting information systems engineering as a whole. Toward the scholarly study of this course include discipline, processes, techniques and tools needed in the accounting information systems engineering includes the planning, development, implementation and maintenance.

Accounting of P2K National Polytechnic Denpasar Bali indispensable in almost all areas of the workforce, especially in the face of economic liberalization in the era of globalization can not be separated from the world of information; need to be prepared so that the quality of human resources and is able to compete in every aspect, especially in computerized accounting and business.
Excellence & Advantage of D3 program In General
Diploma Program Three (D3) and Bachelor (S1) have their respective advantages, both are needed in the working world. Generally graduate Diploma Program Three (D3) has the designation / title "Associate Expert" abbreviated A.Md. , while the graduate program or bachelor degree (S1) has a "Bachelor" .

Excellence & Advantage of D3 program :
  • Study period of 6 semesters (3 years), so the faster pass than S1, and of course the total cost of their studies lighter than S1, so for people who want a quick plunge in the world of work, it is advisable to take a D3 program.
  • Lecture material more applicable (practice) so it tends to be "ready to use" than S1, but it still depends on each individual.
  • Need for labor to more D3 than S1, because D3 will fill the middle level in the pyramid organizational structure and management of the company.
  • Etc.
Competencies of Graduates of D3 Accounting
Graduate from Accounting of P2K National Polytechnic Denpasar Bali equipped with knowledge, ethics, skills and abilities as follows.
  • Having the ability to work and build a career in computerized accounting and business development in the field of accounting and financial information systems .
  • Have the ability to build a computer -based information systems .
  • Have the ability to prepare consolidated financial statements until the level of the parent company and subsidiaries , headquarters and branches .
  • Having the ability to perform an internal examination and analysis of financial statements .
  • Have the ability to manage a data base system .
  • Having the ability to utilize accounting information systems software to make / prepare .
  • Having the ability to utilize the network and the Internet in addressing and improving the performance of the system and the information within the enterprise .
  • Mastering various software applications according to the latest information technology developments , as well as bridge the gap between end users of computer services to the environment in a computer .
  • Having the ability to lead a development project and accounting information systems development .
  • Have the ability to design a computerized accounting and business applications by translating user needs into a computer orientation .
  • application has the ability to write computer programs in several languages pemrogramam .

D3 Accounting of P2K National Polytechnic Denpasar Bali Graduates qualified computer systems both software and hardware, particularly the field of Computerized Accounting and Business; qualified engineering-oriented programming interface hardware; qualified accounting information system-based computer network local / global (Internet); has expertise designing accounting software analisisi with techniques based relational database management system; has the ability to analyze and design the accounting system in the terminology of informatics and provide alternative solutions-based approach to system; has the ability to apply the scientific method in solving problems that are particularly informatics Computerized Accounting and Business with advanced programming skills; has the ability to maintain the integrity themselves and were able to develop a professional attitude in the work both as individuals and as a group and accounting professionals in the computer field.

Basic competence Associate Expert Computerized Accounting and Business of P2K National Polytechnic Denpasar Bali is having quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and be constantly learning; handling each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of Computerized Accounting and Business; can solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of Computerized Accounting and Business, able to follow new developments in the field of Computerized Accounting and Business, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at a rate of more further.
Profession and Career Graduates of D3 Accounting
Computerized Accounting and Business Associate Expert of P2K National Polytechnic Denpasar Bali can work and a career in the field of corporate information systems, databases, networking, software, multimedia, e-business in various government agencies or private (national and multinational) such as state-owned enterprises, IT / IS consultant, telecommunication companies, manufacturing industries, banking, insurance and other financial institutions, research institutions, corporate services (transport, tourism, hotel, etc.), networking companies, internet service providers, universities, etc.

Career / work as Systems Analysis (Systems Analysis), Programmers, Development Systems Consultant, Systems Designer, Database Administrator, Web Developer, IT Tecnical Support, Data Processing Supervisor, Senior Programmer, Manager Information Systems Department, manager of Accounting Information Systems Development Project, Teachers, etc.

Being techno with setting up a computer consultant in the field of accounting and information and communication technology systems, business and systems analyst, programmer, etc.

3. Prospectus of D3 Electrical Engineering

Graduate Degree/Mention : A.Md.T. (Ahli Madya Teknik / Ahli Madya Teknik Elektro)

Associate Expert of Electrical Engineering is required in almost all areas of the workforce, especially in the face of economic liberalization in the era of globalization can not be separated from the world of electronics and electricity; need to be prepared so that the quality of human resources and is able to compete in every aspect, especially in the field of electrical engineering .
Excellence & Advantage of D3 program In General
Diploma Program Three (D3) and Bachelor (S1) have their respective advantages, both are needed in the working world. Generally graduate Diploma Program Three (D3) has the designation / title "Associate Expert" abbreviated A.Md. , while the graduate program or bachelor degree (S1) has a "Bachelor" .

Excellence & Advantage of D3 program :
  • Study period of 6 semesters (3 years), so the faster pass than S1, and of course the total cost of their studies lighter than S1, so for people who want a quick plunge in the world of work, it is advisable to take a D3 program.
  • Lecture material more applicable (practice) so it tends to be "ready to use" than S1, but it still depends on each individual.
  • Need for labor to more D3 than S1, because D3 will fill the middle level in the pyramid organizational structure and management of the company.
  • Etc.
Competencies of Graduates of D3 Electrical Engineering
General competencies D3 Electrical Engineering of P2K National Polytechnic Denpasar Bali concentration of Electrical Power Engineering is to have the knowledge, ability and skills to:
  • Designing and installing medium voltage electrical installations to low voltage installations including specialized.
  • Perform system trouble shooting electrical installations and building equipment, industrial machinery and electrical control.
  • Perform maintenance and repairs to the electrical system and equipment installations and industrial buildings.
  • Define equipment specifications and estimate the electrical installation work.
  • Designing and implementing an industrial installation.
  • Implement operation and maintenance work on electric power generation systems, electrical power systems, and electric power distribution.
  • Perform a variety of electrical test equipment.
  • Plan, operate, perform, supervise, control and document the work and production in the industry which it is responsible.
  • Operate / care of equipment related to the electricity system.

General competencies D3 Electrical Engineering of P2K National Polytechnic Denpasar Bali concentration of Electronics Engineering is to have the knowledge, ability and skills to:
  • Designing and making electronic equipment.
  • Maintain and repair electronic equipment.
  • Designing and operating a digital system and microprocessor-based operating system / computer.
  • Installing electronic systems and supervision.
  • Testing and analysis of physical quantities as well as perform on instrumentation systems.
  • Design, assemble and test instrumentation and control systems in the industry

Basic competencies Associate Expert of Electrical Engineering of P2K National Polytechnic Denpasar Bali is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and scientific information / engineering; know how and can continually learn; in addressing each issue, and was able to uncover the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in electrical engineering; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in working groups; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units stub entrepreneur in the field of electrical engineering, was able to follow new developments in the field of electrical engineering, conduct research , or follow the course of study at the next level.

In particular, D3 Electrical Engineering equipped with the knowledge, professional ethics, and the ability to apply electrical engineering skills are growing rapidly by utilizing information and communication technologies in the areas of:

Power Engineering, including power generation, industrial electrical installations, power installations, basic electrical installations, power distribution, power systems analysis, programming PLC, analog electronics, computer programming, power system protection, the circuit electricity, medium voltage installations, electrical design, electrical energy management, management of electricity projects, microcontroller, domestic electrical installation, maintenance & repair management, electrical machinery, measuring instruments and electrical measurements, electrical materials, power electronics, etc.

Electronics Engineering, including electronic components, microprocessor systems, sensors and transducers, industrial electronics, distributed control systems and telemetry, digital system design, intrumentasi industrial, electronic measuring instruments and measurement, continuous control systems, design and fabrication electronics systems, industrial automation systems, logic circuits, signal processing systems, analog electronics, wiring and pcb technology, mechatronics, microprocessor interface engineering, electrical circuits, digital control systems, etc.
Profession and Career Graduates of D3 Electrical Engineering
Associate Expert of Electrical Engineering of P2K National Polytechnic Denpasar Bali concentration Electronics Engineering can work and a career in government or private institutions (national and multinational), service industries (such as banking), as well as companies such as Industrial designer / producer of electronic components, industrial manufacturing , the automotive industry, oil industry, computer centers and networks, telecommunications services industry, consumer electronics industry, operator / technician television / radio operator / technician at the company's computer network telecommunications, computer services company, industrial audio / video, instructor / lecturer at educational institutions and training in electronics systems.

Associate Expert of Electrical Engineering of P2K National Polytechnic Denpasar Bali concentration Electrical Power Engineering can work and a career in government or private institutions (national and multinational), service industries (such as banking), as well as companies such as Industrial designer / producer of electrical components, generating , transmission, power distribution, power engineering consulting services to industry, construction services, installation, maintenance and testing (inspecting) the installation of electrical power, electricity technology development, instructor / lecturer on education and training institutions in electricity; on the electric company: as the operator and maintenance of the plant, distribution substations and networks; the construction company: as the executor of the installation and maintenance of lighting and power installations; the industry: as an operator and maintenance of electrical systems; etc.

Being Entreprenuer (entrepreneurs) to establish electronic consulting services or consultants of electricity, or set up a production company contractor or electronics, or business repairs and maintenance in the field of electronics or electrical power, etc.
Tags / tagged: profession, and, competence, online, lectures, blended, non, regular, tuition, polnas, denpasar, pts, ptn, net, national, polytechnic, bali, profession and competence, online lectures, non regular tuition, polnas denpasar, polytechnic denpasar bali, the ability, to, take advantage of, the existence, of, the, languages and, databases program, accounting, p2k, that science, is always, advancing, and evolving able, industrial, installation, implement operation and, maintenance, institutions, training in electronics, systems, prospectus
Non Regular Tuition (Online Lectures / Blended) National Polytechnic Denpasar Bali   ➭   Quality of Graduates A